
... a matter for the heart

Mission is the work we do when we choose to live out the second half of the great commandment of Jesus, to love our neighbors. Mission is a compassionate response to the needs of others.

Compassion was modelled by Jesus when he healed physical, emotional, and spiritual injuries in those he met. He healed those who asked as well as those who didn't; he healed the sinful; He healed those who thanked him as well as those who didn't.

When we heal and love and care unconditionally in Christ's name, we live out his calling for us. We become his hands and feet, but mostly, we become his heart in the world today.

Mission is a matter for the heart!

Recent News of Interest

St. Paul's Mission Blog
Prayer Shawl Pattern
Our UM Conference Volunteer Opportunities
UMCOR Hotline News
Habitat For Humanity RESTORE

Dedication of cleaning buckets and health kits. St. Paul's recently collected 19 cleaning buckets and 44 health kits to be sent to recent flood victims in the Northeast.

For more information contact St. Paul's Church Office:
email: StPaulsUMCde@comcast.net   Phone: (302) 478-3135