St. Paul's Christian Education /

Program Offerings

Growing Up with Faith

Babies and young children need a place to express themselves and learn to play with others. Our Nursery is staffed by adults who lovingly care for babies to 2 year old toddlers. The nursery is available during Sunday school and church service. Children's Church, for children 2 years old to 2nd grade, is staffed by an adult as well. Children may come to Children's Church before service begins or after the Children's Message in the service.

Growing Spiritually

Children and Youth Sunday school is offered for children who are 3 years old by September 1st through 12th grade. Dedicated teachers ensure that children are growing spiritually by providing lessons from Cokesbury's "Deep B.L.U.E." and "Submerged" curriculum. The Senior High class focuses on applying Christian beliefs to everyday life; a wide variety of resources are used. The Senior High class may also participate in an Advent and/or Lent study. Teachers use the NRSV Bible plus other scripturally sound resources. All classes meet in the children's wing from 10:45 am to 11:45 am. Confirmation is for registered students. We welcome visitors to our classes.

Continuing the Journey

Adult Sunday school classes are held each week. Following coffee fellowship, the adults meet 11 am to 11:45 in the adult Sunday school wing. At least three or four different classes with varying topics are offered. All classes are open; visitors will be warmly welcomed.

Journey and Connect

Join a small group Bible study to deepen your understanding of Jesus and the Bible. Participants learn in a deeper, focused level and form great, meaningful connections. Small groups meet once a week. New members are welcome to join as each session starts.